Andries Stander
Andries Stander first qualified as a mediator in 2014. During this time, he hasacted as a mediator in a wide variety of disputes, varying from disputes betweencommercial tenants and landlords, to family law disputes in respect of parentalresponsibilities and rights and disputes in the workplace such as resolvinggrievances.His Clifton Strengths, including Relator, Learner, Deliberative, Restorative, andAnalytical, shine through in his role as a mediator. With a passion for uncoveringthe "hows" and "whys" of conflicts, he navigates through problems, utilizing hisRestorative and Analytical strengths to diagnose and analyze problems and, mostimportantly, assist parties to find solutions.Having successfully represented clients in High Court, Supreme Court of Appealand Constitutional Court, Andries understand the impact of litigation on partiesand how mediation can resolve disputes in a cost-effective manner.During his career as an attorney, Andries has guided and assisted many clientsthrough difficult divorces and other family law disputes. Additionally, he hasassisted a wide range of other private and commercial clients, particularlycommercial property owners, investors, and clients in the engineering andmanufacturing industries in a broad range of disputes.